If you haven’t already heard this is a very big week for digital currencies in general, but especially for bitcoin. Today the CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) and CF (Crypto Facilities) have launched two bitcoin indices: BRR (Bitcoin Reference Rate) & BRTI (Bitcoin Real Time Index).


We at FintekNews have written a couple articles on the new indexes leading up to this big week including an interview with the COO of CF (running now) and will post the BRR on our site daily while waiting for the index feeds to go live.  This is instant bitcoin credibility.

Again, FintekNews is on record of forcasting that the BRTI will (at some point) be bigger than the CME’s S&P 500 index when bitcoin futures, options and other derivatives are introduced.

Credibility, awareness and acceptance. It’s a big week for bitcoin in the financial community worldwide. We bet even the WSJ (Wall Street Journal) will discover what we have found; the future.


Posted 11/14/16 by Bill Taylor, CEO-FintekNews