Note from the Publisher:  Unless your directly involved at some level with blockchain technology, I am sure you have wondered exactly how it could be implemented.  While actual applications are still scant, the technology is rapidly gaining traction and this report shows some of the many ways it can - and will - be utilized in the future. 

"Moody's Investors Service (MIS) recently released a detailed report that names 120 blockchain projects being explored by various companies. The bond credit rating business then offers 25 top use cases for blockchain technology.

The report, “Credit Strategy -- Blockchain Technology: Robust, Cost-effective Applications Key to Unlocking Blockchain's Potential Credit Benefits,” explores how blockchain tech potentially can improve record-keeping and transactional efficiencies across many different processes and industries......

Obvious examples like international payments and real estate made the list, each with a history of the companies pushing them forward. Other, less obvious uses are offered too, like tax records, energy credits, and healthcare records.ious examples like international payments and real estate made the list, each with a history of the companies pushing them forward. Other, less obvious uses are offered too, like tax records, energy credits, and healthcare records.

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