Data Security So, not enough to worry about and keep you up at night? (monsters under the bed, enough retirement savings, etc) Here are some new things to keep your head off the pillow; Data Privacy, Data Security and Data Discrimination. Now I could detail these a bit more BUT then you would have nothing to read when you can't get to sleep. Very interesting read.

(Bill Taylor/CEO)

"Today, Big Data gives us unprecedented insights and opportunities across all industries from healthcare to financial to manufacturing and more. But, it also raises concerns and questions that must be addressed. The relentless changes to technology and Big Data are keeping everyone on their toes, and the reality is that organizations and tech departments, government agencies, consumer protection groups and consumers are struggling to keep up. For me, there are 3 Big Data concerns that should keep people up at night: Data Privacy, Data Security and Data Discrimination.

Data Privacy

When the 4th Amendment was ratified in 1791 to give US citizens the “reasonable expectation of privacy”, there was no way for those who wrote it to have imagined the complications of 21st century technology.

There’s no doubt we benefit from many conveniences and breakthroughs due to Big Data-powered apps and services, but at what risk to our privacy? Do we have any control about how much of our personal information is used? We’re now at the point where even a total technology boycott may no longer fully protect us. Unless, of course, you choose to walk everywhere you go, wear a different mask every day (to foil face-recognition technology) and use only cash (that you never deposit in a financial institution). Succeeding at navigating the modern world without technology is quite tricky and won’t necessarily protect your privacy 100%.

It’s true much of this information is used in benign ways, but the potential for sensitive data to be used for evil is frightening. And the U.S. government is still trying to determine how best to regulate internet privacy rules. Congress is currently debating rules adopted last year by the Federal Communications Commission that require internet service providers to tell its customers what information is collected and how it will be used or shared..."

Source: Forbes