Note from the Publisher:  We typically feature original content or comment on the most current news stories occurring within the sector, but when we received an email in our inbox inviting us on the following tour, we thought it was interesting and bore further investigation for our readers.  While the UK looks as if it will be bleeding fintech jobs, post-Brexit, organizations such as Fintech Circle are doing their part to keep the thriving community alive and growing.  According to their website, the UK-based organization claims to be Europe's largest network of angel investors, and they now offer a two-day city tour meeting with top fintech entrepreneurs, accelerators and investors.  We think this is a great initiative, but they've certainly got their work cut out for them with Brexit.  Check out their website and if you happen to be planning to be in the UK during that time, and are interested in the European fintech space, it might be worth your while to sync up with them.

"Following our recent success with Fintech Tours in London we are running another couple of days in September, on the 15th and 16th.

The FINTECH Tour is a two-day intensive experience in the City of London—the Fintech capital of the world—where we personally chauffeur you and a handful of others on a meet and greet with the very best Fintech accelerators, incubators, investors and entrepreneurs that we’ve worked hard to find and build strong relationships with over the years.

This will not only save you months of time and energy, but it will open up doors that would otherwise be closed through our private network and brand."