FintekNews is pleased to offer our weekly feature column "3 Questions". Each week, we feature a thought leader within a unique sector of fintech and ask them to answer just 3 questions for our audience in their vernacular. This week, we'd like to introduce you to Kyle Hiatt, EVP of Business Development for Orion Advisor Services, the premier portfolio accounting service provider for advisors, where he has worked since September 2003 in several different capacities.

NAME: Kyle Hiatt

TITLE: EVP of Business Development

COMPANY: Orion Advisor Services


What areas of fintech do you believe will grow the most in the coming 5 years?

The parts of the fintech industry that will grow the most are those that allow advisors to consolidate their data and assist their teams with smarter tools. Areas like trading technology, data aggregation, and tools with deeper levels of integration are the ones that will see the biggest boost in growth and popularity. These aspects will streamline the relationship between the advisor and client, fostering a more communicative environment that only top technologies can achieve.

What do you believe the next major innovation in financial technology will be and why?

Addressing continual breakdowns and barriers in daily communication with your clients is something all advisors need to pay attention to, and the use of virtual reality with clients will grow as a way to help bridge those communication gaps. Virtual reality is a growing technology that will heavily evolve and play a significant part in the advisor/client relationship for years to come, which is why the industry will need to incorporate it into its daily operations.

More specifically, this innovation will be a way to hold virtual meetings with clients and other important stakeholders. We are entering further and further into a society that values convenience and easy scheduling. As an advisor, a critical part of the job will be creating accessibility for the client and holding virtual meetings to sustain the relationship.

What has been the biggest success in your firm to date

Orion’s release of its Business Intelligence tools has been the biggest success we have had. Our Business Intelligence apps are embraced and have been successful because they help advisors easily make informed, data-driven business decisions. With these tools, advisors can see granular notifications such as AUM changes over time, new accounts opened by month, year and quarter, transaction types, top performers, cash flows, demographic trends, revenue and more. Advisors can customize how they view and digest this information and the data they see is consistently updated.


Kyle Hiatt is EVP of Business Development for Omaha-based Orion Advisor Services. Orion's technology solutions empower more than 950 advisory firms with total assets under administration in excess of $400 billion, from more than 1,415,000 individual accounts.