FintekNews is pleased to offer our weekly feature column 3 Questions. Each week, we feature a thought leader within a unique sector of fintech and ask them to answer just 3 questions for our audience in their vernacular. This week, we’d like to introduce you to William de Lucy of Amplify, which

delivers innovative, practical training to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Using simulation technology and role-specific assessment and data analysis, Amplify innovates to create a better way to learn, and a more effective way to hire.


William de Lucy






What does your firm do/offer within the fintech sector & what is your role there?

Amplify provides simulations to give on-the-job training and assessment for a variety of financial roles. From market making, to risk or research, we deliver the technology to universities all over the world to help train and identify the future leaders in the finance industry.

Now that the Amplify technology is completed, I have shifted my focus to business development. My role is to ensure as many students around the world as possible, can benefit from relevant, engaging and practical training to help explore and find their future career.

What area/s of fintech do you believe will grow the most in the coming 5 years?

Aside from education in finance which is what we are aiming to do, I believe the automation of processes in front desk operations can be a significant area for development over the next five years. I don’t believe that this will replace jobs, just let those in the roles perform better and add more value to their firm.

I still think blockchain is a long way off from showing its true potential in the market. However, as it becomes more financially viable and logistically practical to implement, we will soon see a significant shift in the industry.

What are the biggest problems facing the fintech industry in the future?

Both a challenge and an opportunity; the changing regulatory and compliance environment means fintech providers have to remain adaptable. However, if they can do this well, they have an excellent opportunity to be ever more integrated in the industry.

William de Lucy is the CEO of Amplify. He started as a bond trader for a large US institution and was surprised by the gap between what 'should' happen according to theory, and what actually happens in real markets. William has helped over 100 business schools deliver training and assessment technology events to students with Amplify technology.