Note from the Publisher:  Boomers, the banks are on to you.  In a new poll conducted for CSI by Harris Polls, it's been shown that baby boomers expect the most from their banks and millennials expect the least.

"Conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of CSI, a provider of financial technology solutions, the survey ran online May 9-11, 2016, and represents feedback from nearly 2,100 adults ages 18 and older about their banking wants and needs. According to the results, while older generations expressed that it’s important that their financial institution understands their financial needs and provides products and services to help them meet their financial objectives, Millennials were the least likely to find this aspect of the banking relationship important, with 84% of them indicating so compared to 88% of Gen Xers (ages 35-54) and 91% of Baby Boomers (ages 55 and older).
Interestingly, Millennials also stand out as being slightly less satisfied with their financial institution’s digital banking offerings (82% of Millennials compared to 91% of those aged 65+). Because of this, they have often turned their attention to non-bank financial technology companies."

Note:  Friends, the web page associated with this press release was blocked by our Malware software.  Please visit the website for further information on this survey and the company.