Note from the Publisher:  Either Chronicled, a new SF startup, is the greatest thing since sliced bread or they have ADD, and we're not sure which.  Anyway, the company utilizes blockchain, Internet of Things, drones AND ethereum altogether! That's almost more than our fintech-focused brains can handle, and sometimes these startups are right at the beginning of something amazing and nail it and go on to be massive enterprises, and sometimes they're just plain wacky, like an over-designed dress.  You'll have to decide for yourself on this one. 

"Chronicled, a San Francisco-based technology company that is currently developing a blockchain-hosted registry and protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT), has unveiled a prototype drone delivery system using Ethereum.

A video shows a drone equipped with a secure blockchain-registered BLE identity chip which is able to self-authenticate with a computer-controlled window and gain access to a private residence in order to deliver a package.

The computer operating the door is able to test the identity of the drone by asking the drone to cryptographically sign a random number, and then comparing this to the blockchain hosted public key that was registered at the time the drone went into service along with metadata describing the make, model, and specifications of the drone. In the prototype, the drone was registered to the blockchain by Wallmeds - a pharmacy that has been whitelisted by the owner of the home – and the door is able to open automatically."

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