Note from the Publisher: If you told us that people are switching careers to go into fintech, you'd be preaching to the converted. WE made a career switch - albeit via a publishing platform - to go into fintech, and we're not exactly spring chickens, but we BELIEVE. Turns out lots of others within various sectors of fintech are doing the same, including some very senior people from Goldman Sachs, Schroders and private equity. If you need help to that effect, make sure to check out our JOBS tab for the latest new fintech positions posted by our partner OneWire, or check out our Weekly Fintech Jobs listings.

"In case you’re wondering if the whole moving from investment banking to fintech trend is a bit 2015, it’s worth noting that senior bankers are still leaving the industry to pursue their start-up ambitions. Some are even doing so in London, despite suggestions that the City’s future as a fintech hub is threatened by Brexit.

These are senior financiers to go it alone in the past few weeks – and not always in the most obvious ways.

Chris Bush, from a Goldman Sachs MD to alternative finance platform, London Chris Bush worked at Goldman Sachs from 2007 until October this year and was promoted to managing director in 2011. Before this, he spent 14 years working for Lehman Brothers. As of October, he’s the CEO of a fintech start-up called Shogo, which we understand is set to become a loans, alternative finance and online portfolio management platform, but this is in the (very) early stages of development............

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