Note from the Publisher:  In keeping with our commitment to provide our audience a look at 2017 predictions this holiday week for the fintech marketplace at large, below you'll see a piece that looks at what lies ahead for the marketplace lending sector for the new year. 

"2017 will be a pivotal year for the marketplace lending (MPL) space as the market will seek stabilization in both confidence and venture funding, following a challenging 2016, but also as leading companies look to establish themselves as mainstay providers of consumer credit. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ DeNovo team, the main issues facing the MPL industry in 2017 include:

  1. An emphasis on improved transparency;
  2. Next steps following regulatory changes;
  3. Expansion to ancillary asset classes; and
  4. The potential impact from tax policy changes.

Ultimately, 2017 may prove to be the year which decides whether the MPL space is sustainable in its current form, or whether companies will need to alter their respective business models...."

Read Full Story at Crowdfundinsider