Note from the Publisher:  We seldom (as in never) feature personnel moves on this site, but this one is noteworthy because a lead information security  specialist from Nasdaq is moving to a new role at Ethereum Foundation.  Ethereum is the up and coming digital currency protocol, second in size only to bitcoin, and since they've had some high profile hacks such as The Dao heist where nearly $60M in ether was stolen, they're going to need some big guns to help keep the bad guys at bay.  Great move and exciting to see. 

"Nasdaq information security specialist Martin Holst Swende has officially joined the Ethereum Foundation as its full-time security lead.

Despite it being one of his first days on the job, Swende was highly visible at Devcon2, the non-profit's annual conference, on Tuesday. There, he moderated a panel on smart contract security and gave an overview of his view on the state of the blockchain-based decentralized application network.

Offstage, Swende opened up about his new role, explaining that he doesn't believe it was a risk for him to move from the stock market giant to the nascent blockchain industry."

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